Nomadic 9-1-1 Portal Support

Phone Number Validation

Registration Process

Verification Code


Phone Number Validation

It may take up to 2 business days following installation of your phone line before the Nomadic 9-1-1 Portal will recognize your phone number, and allow you to publish a physical address for it. If the portal does not recognize your phone number 2 business days after installation of your phone line, please contact us.

Registration Process

We’ll send you a 5-digit verification code via an automated phone message to the number you registered. To complete the registration process, enter that code where prompted in the Nomadic 9-1-1 portal.

Verification Code

If you haven't received your verification code, confirm the following:
  • Did your phone ring? Can you place and receive calls?
    • Ensure that you are next to your phone, can answer it, and that it is functional
  • Do you have call forwarding activated?
    • Answer the automated call at the forwarded destination number
    • Deactivate call forwarding on the line that you’re registering
  • Did the automated call go to voicemail?
    • Check your voicemail for a message with your verification code
  • Did you wait up to 5 minutes and still not receive the automated call?
    • If not, you should receive a call with your verification code shortly
  • Is your phone / mobile app muted?
    • Unmute your phone or application and/or increase the ringer volume
If you can't receive your verification code online:
  • Wait 5 minutes before using the portal’s ‘Resend’ button. If the issue persists and you are still unable to obtain your verification code, please contact us.


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